We want to make a difference and we need your help! CROAK Cares is invested in the next big conservation movement. Our goal is to support local and national groups that care about keeping the connection between humans and nature strong. We envision an active community that is conscious about what they can do to help in the most urban areas in the USA.

Watershed Management Group
A Nonprofit organization that is based out of Tucson, AZ just like us! WMG's goal is to connect communities and environment to create prosperity for all. They focus on protecting and conserving major watersheds in the Western US and in Northern Mexico. Additionally, desert dwellers can come to them to learn how to efficiently use and harvest water.
Croak learning, pay attention.
Some stuff we think is COOL to CARE about:
Thrifting is for Rad People
Thrift shops are a vibe. It's the circle of liiiiife! We encourage you to shop and donate because it's fun and practical to reuse! If for some unsavory reason you decide you are done with your CROAK tee, take it in to a thrift shop so someone else who is cooler than you can appreciate it. But seriously, go check your closet and donate, thanks queens!
Fast Fashion Sucks
You get what you pay for, right? That shirt you got from Shein or Asos is real cheap but it is also crap. Let me tell ya, it's crap for the environment too. Fast fashion brands are made with low quality and sometimes toxic materials, they exploit poor foreign workforces, and incentivize cutting corners when it comes to factory and agriculture conditions. The way to stop it is to wear more timeless clothing that is built to last you years instead of weeks. Shameless plug alert: CROAK is made pretty damn well.
Water Management Rocks
We all need food, sunshine, and WATER to survive! So it only makes sense to take simple steps to care for our water supply, especially those of us who live in the desert for some reason that scientists still don't understand.

A little tidbit about fighting "Fast Fashion"
Choose clothes made the right way. Choose CROAK.
We Use 100% Compostable Packaging